Friday, April 18, 2014

Whole global tobacco

Tobacco is grown for centuries in over 125 countries, it can be found on over 4 million hectares of land and a third part of all of these hectares is in China alone. The whole global tobacco crop is worth almost US $20 billion, which represents a small fraction of the total amount that is coming from the sale of already produced tobacco products. Tobacco is grown on less than one percent of the world’s agricultural land, and on a very large variety of climates and soils.

In 1960’s the bulk of production started to move to Africa and Asia from America. But there still remained some land in USA, Mexico and Canada dedicated tobacco growth. But in United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi and China the tobacco growth almost doubled.

The production of tobacco leaves has more than doubled since the 1960s, in total almost 7 million metric tons in 2000. A large usage of fertilizers and pesticides and a very good mechanization have lead to damage of the environment.

The problem is not ending with growing tobacco: the processes used in curing tobacco leaves cause massive deforestation. In the whole world are millions of tobacco farmers. Tobaccoindustry is very interesting. Because there is a problem between tobacco manufactures and tobacco control programs they decided to develop a partnership between public health community and farmers.

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